High Society Cannabis Rewards Program

Join The Loyalty Program

Unlock exclusive rewards and special perks with our loyalty program! Every purchase brings you closer to exciting benefits, including members-only discounts, early access to new products, and personalized offers tailored just for you. Sign up today and start earning points with every purchase.

Sign Up For High Society Loyalty Program

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Loyalty Tier and Perks

High Society Cannabis Loyalty Tiers

Frequently Asked Questions

Our loyalty program is designed to reward you for every purchase. As a member, you earn points with each transaction, unlocking access to exclusive discounts, special offers, and early access to new products.
Joining is simple! Sign up in-store or online and start earning points immediately with your purchases.
Members enjoy perks like:Exclusive discountsPersonalized offersEarly access to new and limited-edition products
Points are automatically added to your account with every qualifying purchase. The more you shop, the more you earn!
Redeem your points for discounts or rewards during checkout, either in-store or online. Our team will help you apply your rewards to your purchase.
No, joining the loyalty program is completely free!
Yes, you can track your points through your account in-store, online, or on the High Society App.
Points may not apply to certain promotions or products. Visit our website or ask our team for full details.
Members receive updates on new rewards, exclusive offers, and more through email or the High Society App.

Download the High Society App

Experience convenience at your fingertips with the High Society App. Easily browse our full cannabis menu, stay updated on the latest deals, and place your orders with just a few taps. Whether you're at home or on the go, managing your cannabis experience has never been easier.


To continue, please confirm your age.

By clicking "Yes," you confirm that you meet the age requirement.

Select Location
Big Rapids 804 Clark StBig Rapids, MI 49307(231) 598-9302
Birch Run 9242 Tiffany BlvdBirch Run, MI 48415(198) 924-43001
Charlotte 515 Lansing StCharlotte, MI 48813-1100(517) 786-3002
East Lansing 2040 Merritt RoadEast Lansing, MI 48823(517) 708-8043
Lenox 60695 Gratiot AvenueLenox, MI 48048(586) 430-1347
Mount Pleasant 317 North Mission StreetMount Pleasant, MI 48858(989) 317-0290
Saline 465 E Michigan AveSaline, MI 48176(734) 470-6023

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